
Visualizzazione dei post da dicembre, 2022

First post

  Erasmus open up Talking about us Hi, we are students of Camigliano and in this blog we are going to talking about our school and, more specifically about our exeperience with the project Erasmus Plus. This draft that we explain in a better way in "project summary" includes the mobility of 6 italian students in Portugal in February and the welcoming of a group of Portuguese guys here in Italy. So it is a perfect project for who loves the English language and wants to improve theirs understendings. Behind these days abroad there is a big effort from students and teachers for what regard the organization of tasks to realize before the departure that we do in the “Erasmus Club”   Erasmus club This extracurricolar commitment, which includes some meetings,  is essential  in order to  partecipate at the real Erasmus. During Erasmus we worked together and we learned new things that we didn’t know before, we got involved, we met new people and made new friends. ...

Project summary

                                                ERASMUS + KA 122-SCH - Short-term projects for mobility                      of learners and staff in school educati on                      2022-1-IT02-KA122-SCH-000079360   OPEN UP                                                          ACTION; GRP-01...